Hello! I'm Jess Pillay, an independent musician, creative, and diversity/equity/inclusion (DEI) practitioner from Seattle, Washington. I use songwriting, storytelling, and my complex cultural identity as an Indo-Fijian-American woman to radically envision a kinder and more inclusive world. My musical sound is eclectic as I bring together elements of folk, blues, rock, funk, pop, and jazz; but my goal as an artist is laser-focused: to be defiantly hopeful and uncompromisingly authentic through my art and life. As you listen to my music, I invite you to join me in pursuing authenticity, joy, justice, and liberation for yourself and your community.

Nobody's free until everybody's free.– Fannie Lou Hamer


Receive a FREE download of the solo, unreleased version of "Shine On" when you sign up, and be the first to hear about my music releases, show announcements, merch drops, and other creative projects I'm working on. Emails are sent approximately once or twice a month, and you can unsubscribe at any time.

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Work With Me!

In addition to music, I offer the following creative services:

-Content Writing (Copywriting)
-Copy Editing
-Social Media / Email Marketing Strategy
-Podcast Consulting
-Songwriting Support & Consulting
-Project & Event Planning for Musicians & Creatives

My availability, timeframes, and prices for these services vary. Send me a message with details about your project so I can provide you with a timeline and pricing plan based on your individual needs. I'm also happy to offer a free 20-minute exploration call via Zoom to help you clarify your goals and budget.